Monday, April 18, 2011

Time to shed some pounds

It is official.. My younger brother and I have settled that we are challenging each other to a battle of who can lose the most weight before his wedding on July 15th, 2011. My brother is roughly 5'11", about 223 pounds. I stand at a hair under 6'1", 238 pounds.
Both of us are 'well-built' guys. It runs in the family. Unusually broad shoulders, wide hips, thick arms and legs and big chests. It's just the nature of it. Coming out of high school, I was roughly 190 pounds. By the time I was done with college, I was 225. I've become a bit complacent with myself and I'm looking to change. My brothers wedding is a great end date because it's not too far down the road, but wanting to look good in a tux will keep me honest.
We do have the challenge set up, but we have yet to set up what the other will win for losing the most weight. Any ideas?
We were thinking of buying the winner a piece of apparel from the other's golf course (Moccasin Creek CC, Headwaters CC, respectively). We don't want to go overboard with any big prizes. In the end it will be all about bragging rights. But I remember when Steve was in high school and didn't weigh more than 175 pounds. He was a healthy kid. Now he's engaged and slacking a bit. I'm sure his fiancĂ©e will appreciate him devoting some time to shedding the poundage.
If I'm feeling up to it, I'll start posting weekly pictures of my progress. No guarantees...

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