Thursday, April 7, 2011

College hockey and idiots

My younger brother, Steve, attended the University of North Dakota from 2004-2010.  He is now a highly sought after teacher/coach/counselor.  He got a tremendous education at UND. He made some great friends, many of which I've met and became friends with as well.  Though his education was pricey and he did have a 'slack' year or two, Steve earned his way into the education department and got his degree. He can hold his head high for the hard work he put in and where he got his degree from.
Now, Steve did not play any college sports. Though I pushed him to play golf for UND (he's one of the best golfers I have ever played with), he didn't enjoy that kind of serious competition. Steve played high school golf and basketball and was amazing at both. He lacked the height and speed to play college basketball somewhere, but he could have easily made it onto the UND golf team. Since he wasn't playing college sports, he began to follow the UND hockey. How couldn't he? When you're a student at UND, you follow the hockey team. There is no excuse not to.
I went to two hockey games while he was attending college and I had a great time at both. The fans were a bit psychotic, but not in a threatening way. They clearly had a lot of time and money invested into Sioux hockey. Alumns, students, general fans, youth, parents .. they all had their white and green on and repeated "Hey Sioux Sioux" repeatedly..actually it was quite obnoxious.
At the second game I realized that this isn't just a fan base, it's a lifestyle. You sleep, eat, work, drink, talk, walk SIOUX HOCKEY. It's madness. But I understood it.
The Sioux just lost tonight in the 2011 Frozen Four to the University of Michigan. Michigan was the underdog in nearly every prediction column I read. Worse off, the Sioux got shut out.
I want people to understand that though Sioux fans are very adamant about their team succeeding, they're not 'Nazis'. There is a hatred and disgust for Sioux hockey that I just don't understand, and it bothers me that my brother has to be consider a 'Nazi' because he earned a degree at UND.
Everyone I know who doesn't like UND (which is a very large number) automatically associates the school with Hitler's army. And yes, I have heard the endless rumors of Englestad being a Nazi himself. But that doesn't make it a school of Nazis. It doesn't make it a fan base of the Fuhrer.They're not teaching all of their students to be anti-Semites. It's a fan base of a hockey team that has a well documented history of success.
My brother didn't bat an eye when the Sioux lost, but I know many Sioux fans shed tears of disappointment and disbelief tonight. And yet, people are on Facebook and Twitter slamming the Sioux in such a way that it makes me so uncomfortable that I had to log off of both for the evening. I don't understand what these people are thinking.
Professional and college sports are not the same thing. College sports involves student athletes doing what few can do: Be talented on field and be talented in the classroom. All that hard work has paid off for what? Being called a fag? Being called a bitch? Being called a neo-Nazi? People who didn't even attend a rival school .. people who didn't attend ANY school are going on social networks typing about how much they hate the Sioux. Well where is YOUR team? Where are your trophies? Where the hell is your dignity?
You want to bad mouth and demean the Sioux?? Go right ahead.. Head to downtown Grand Forks saying the things you've typed out loud. See what happens.
Morons need to shut up. It's one thing to dislike a team, but calling my brother and his classmates Nazis is one step too far.

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