Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bring it on (No, not you Kirsten Dunst)

I'm taking this diet on with full force. I went to the grocery store this morning and picked up a ton of fresh fruit, lowfat yogurt, Naked juice smoothies, chicken, vegetables, etc.  I was actually getting excited while picking all of this stuff up.  It makes me feel better about myself.  I will say right off the bat that the Naked juice smoothie called 'Protein Zone' was pretty rough.  It has whey and 30 grams of protein in it.  Granted it is a 32 ounce bottle, I drank about a quarter of it and shoved it back in the fridge.  Might make my gal finish that one off for me.
Well, I'm feeling good about myself and I'm ready to shed some winter pounds!  Bring it on!

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