Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter everyone.  This is such a special time.  I won't get into the religious end of it, but just to see so many families get together; it's a gift that many of us take for granted.  Although I'm working today, I am still in good spirits
Christ has risen! Hallelujah! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Warm and sunny

It's a heat wave!  45 degrees outside today.  It felt amazing ... which is so damn sad.  My fellow assistant golf pro and I have been trying to plan our all-new program called "Family First Swing".  It's a group lesson program for families or friends that haven't played any golf or are just getting into the game to come out and get some help.  The other assistant is an incredible instructor, but has mainly worked with highly skilled players.  He hasn't done much with beginner/youth instruction, which I believe is my strong suit.  I think this will be quite the adventure over the next 2 months.
The sun needs to stay out and we need a bit of water to dry up so this season can finally get under way!  If you're in the area and you're interested in the game of golf, call the Golf Shop today at 605-226-0989 and we can get you into our Family First Swing program!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spare time?

I'm sure you're not still seeing snow on the ground like we are here in Aberdeen, SD.  But if you are, I would just like to extend a friendly gesture and give you a few words of advice to keep you from going insane while you wait for the snow to melt.
For me, as a golf professional, I'm always looking to improve my game.  Along with improving my game, I'm also looking for ways to improve YOUR game.  When I have downtime at the office or even at home, I search the Web feverishly to find new ways of game improvement.
There is one way to improve your scoring without having to take any lessons from a Club professional, and that is practice your short game.  Everyone's game is unique, but most everyone has the same issue: a poor short game.  If you tend to miss 4-5 foot putts on a regular basis, then you're only hurting yourself by not going and practicing those putts regularly.  Once you're comfortable with putts, move to close range wedge shots.
Not everyone hits 18 greens in regulation.  In fact, NO ONE does.  That's why your wedge game is so important.  Practicing and having confidence in your wedges makes a huge difference in your game and immediately can lead to lower scores.
So, put that fancy new driver away, pick up your bag and walk to the short game/putting area and get to work.  And if you're like me, who has a lot of spare time due to weather, practice putting on your carpet at home (or at work if you can get away with it).  Get used to your putting stroke and memorize each movement.  Know exactly where your putter head will strike the ball.  Go online and research lessons.  Go buy a training aid.  Whatever it takes ... improve your short game first!  You'll thank me later.

Bring it on (No, not you Kirsten Dunst)

I'm taking this diet on with full force. I went to the grocery store this morning and picked up a ton of fresh fruit, lowfat yogurt, Naked juice smoothies, chicken, vegetables, etc.  I was actually getting excited while picking all of this stuff up.  It makes me feel better about myself.  I will say right off the bat that the Naked juice smoothie called 'Protein Zone' was pretty rough.  It has whey and 30 grams of protein in it.  Granted it is a 32 ounce bottle, I drank about a quarter of it and shoved it back in the fridge.  Might make my gal finish that one off for me.
Well, I'm feeling good about myself and I'm ready to shed some winter pounds!  Bring it on!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Time to shed some pounds

It is official.. My younger brother and I have settled that we are challenging each other to a battle of who can lose the most weight before his wedding on July 15th, 2011. My brother is roughly 5'11", about 223 pounds. I stand at a hair under 6'1", 238 pounds.
Both of us are 'well-built' guys. It runs in the family. Unusually broad shoulders, wide hips, thick arms and legs and big chests. It's just the nature of it. Coming out of high school, I was roughly 190 pounds. By the time I was done with college, I was 225. I've become a bit complacent with myself and I'm looking to change. My brothers wedding is a great end date because it's not too far down the road, but wanting to look good in a tux will keep me honest.
We do have the challenge set up, but we have yet to set up what the other will win for losing the most weight. Any ideas?
We were thinking of buying the winner a piece of apparel from the other's golf course (Moccasin Creek CC, Headwaters CC, respectively). We don't want to go overboard with any big prizes. In the end it will be all about bragging rights. But I remember when Steve was in high school and didn't weigh more than 175 pounds. He was a healthy kid. Now he's engaged and slacking a bit. I'm sure his fiancĂ©e will appreciate him devoting some time to shedding the poundage.
If I'm feeling up to it, I'll start posting weekly pictures of my progress. No guarantees...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Secret in the Dirt

I cannot stop raving about how great of a social network Secret In The Dirt is (  It gives amateurs and golf pros alike the opportunity to view and read about some really great instruction.  I strongly suggest signing up and check out what Secret In The Dirt has to offer!
Side note: SNOW SUCKS!